Exploring Transition of Large Technological Systems through Relational Data - A Study of The Danish Smart Grid Development

Research output: PhD thesis


Combining elements form the Science, Technology and Society (STS) tradition with the Technological Innovation System (TIS) framework and utilising unstructured and relational data as well as novel analysis tools, this thesis explores the development of the Danish smart grid and the associated transformation of the energy grid infrastructure. The focus is set on how the interplay between established and new technologies and actors determines the direction and outcomes of innovation in large technological systems (such as the Danish smart grid).

Results of several chapters indicate that in the Danish case it might be more appropriate – from an academical and policy point of view – to think in terms of a “smart energy system” rather than a pure electricity smart grid. The role of incumbent actors from the energy field may also be reconsidered. Currently these established actors are gaining dominance in the transformation process. While they can contribute with resources, capabilities, and their connections to the development of the new grid infrastructure, they may also impede innovation given their ownership of and assumed interest in the established system. These insights should be considered in policy development, research funding, and the definition of standards.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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