Facilitated inter-firm collaboration in Ghana: the case of Danida's private-sector development projects

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9 Citations (Scopus)


Since the mid-1980s, aid agencies have endorsed the need to support private enterprise development in developing countries as an instrument for overall economic development and poverty reduction. Facilitation of collaboration between developed and developing country firms has become one of the most popular forms of assistance in this endeavour. Although such facilitative inter-firm collaborations vary in design, they all involve third-party organisations that identify partners and sponsor the first steps in the establishment of a business platform for the co-operation. This paper discusses the mechanisms of third-party inter-firm facilitation and assesses how effective the catalyst institutions are in nurturing collaborations between companies in developed and developing countries. The discussions are illustrated with case examples drawn from Ghana.
Original languageEnglish
JournalDevelopment in Practice
Issue number3 & 4
Pages (from-to)475 - 489
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - 2005


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