Faktorer, der har betydning for sygeplejerskers holdning til ”God Klinisk Praksis”

Patrik Kjaersdam Telleus, Dorte Moller Holdgaard, Birthe Thorring

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In 2016, we conducted a comprehensive empirical study (n = 2129) at Aalborg University Hospital in order to uncover the ethical attitudes of various health professions. The intention was to uncover any differences between professions as well as to conceptualize the ethical thought patterns present in clinical practice. We found in the preliminary data analysis that we could show with significance that the group of care givers uses relational ethics and care ethics assessments to a greater extent as opposed to the more duty ethics based group of physicians. The study was set up using the vignette method, which allows for the collection of quantitative data suitable for statistical analysis, but which also allows for a qualitative study by a subsequent hermeneutical analysis of selected answers. In this article we study the results of the study within the nursing group solely for the purpose of extracting what their assessments depend on and discussing how these factors relate to each other and create some form of moral coherence. Based on this we find how nurses' ethical attitudes are shaped by the particular values that the relational ethical profile supports, but also how this profile is modified and flexible to the conditions of clinical settings and situations. In the end our interpretation provides us with a more nuanced picture of nursing ethics than a single theoretical perspective or a set of guidelines provide.
Original languageDanish
JournalEtikk i Praksis
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)99-111
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2019

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