Film music – collaborative world making

Magne Kolstad

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    Film music – Collaborative world making
    Magne Kolstad, Department of Learning and Philosophy, Aalborg University. [email protected]

    ”All we are doing, set aside you are an actor, writer, composer, we try to create worlds.” (Zimmer, 2017). Film and music are forms of art with unique identities, discourses, responsibilities and contexts, and yet, they need to work together in a multimedia production that uses both to support a storyline. This paper will report from an ethnographic study in a danish film high school, exploring film music production as a social learning practice (Kenny, 2016), investigating how creative threads of both artforms are distributed and ”etched” into one representational ”line” (Ingold, 2015).

    Departing from new musicology studies, understanding distributed creativity in the context of music production, can foreground knowledge about how creative relationships are configured (Zagorski-Thomas, 2017). Conceptualizing art production as a social learning process, may contribute to break the mould of individualized artmaking, facilitate reinvention of identities (Roberts, 2009), and hopefully empower students of both film making and music production to tell new, and perhaps more responsible, stories about the world (Bruner, 1998).

    Becker, H (1982). Art Worlds. University of California Press, Berkeley.
    Bruner, J (1998). The culture of education. Harvard university Press, New York.
    Kenny, A (2016). Musical communities of practice. Routledge, London.
    Ingold, T (2016). Lines. Routledge, London.
    Roberts, T. L (2009). Collaboration in Contemporary Artmaking: Practice and Pedagogy. Ph.D dissertation, Ohio State University.
    Zagorski-Thomas, S (2016). The musicology of record production. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
    Zimmer, H (2017). Hans Zimmer Masterclass.

    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2019
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 2019
    EventThe ARP Joint Conference - Crosstown Traffic: Popular Music Theory and Practice - University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, United Kingdom
    Duration: 3 Sept 20185 Sept 2018


    ConferenceThe ARP Joint Conference - Crosstown Traffic: Popular Music Theory and Practice
    LocationUniversity of Huddersfield
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    Internet address

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