Forebyggende helbredsundersøgelser og helbredssamtaler i almen praksis - en analyse af patientperspektivet. En analyse med særligt fokus på Sundhedsprojekt Ebeltoft og andre randomiserende studier.

Translated title of the contribution: Preventive health screenings and health discussions in general practice. An analysis of the patient perspective.: An analysis with specific focus on the Danish Health Project Ebeltoft and other randomised studies. Health technology assessment. Copenhagen: The Danish National Board of Health, Danish Centre for Evaluation and Technology Assessment 2006.

Ellen Louise Larsen, Janus Laust Thomsen, Torsten Lauritzen, Marianne Engberg

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingReport chapterResearch

Translated title of the contributionPreventive health screenings and health discussions in general practice. An analysis of the patient perspective.: An analysis with specific focus on the Danish Health Project Ebeltoft and other randomised studies. Health technology assessment. Copenhagen: The Danish National Board of Health, Danish Centre for Evaluation and Technology Assessment 2006.
Original languageDanish
Title of host publicationForebyggende helbredsundersøgelser og helbredssamtaler i almen praksis - en analyse af patientperspektivet.
Publication date2006
ISBN (Electronic)87-7676-319-6
Publication statusPublished - 2006
Externally publishedYes

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