Generative AI in Software Engineering Must Be Human-Centered: The Copenhagen Manifesto

Daniel Russo*, Sebastian Baltes, Niels van Berkel, Paris Avgeriou, Fabio Calefato, Beatriz Cabrero-Daniel, Gemma Catolino, Jürgen Cito, Neil Ernst, Thomas Fritz, Hideaki Hata, Reid Holmes, Maliheh Izadi, Foutse Khomh, Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard, Grischa Liebel, Alberto Lluch Lafuente, Stefano Lambiase, Walid Maalej, Gail MurphyNils Brede Moe, Gabrielle O'Brien, Elda Paja, Mauro Pezzè, John Stouby Persson, Rafael Prikladnicki, Paul Ralph, Martin Robillard, Thiago Rocha Silva, Klaas Jan Stol, Margaret Anne Storey, Viktoria Stray, Paolo Tell, Christoph Treude, Bogdan Vasilescu

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The COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant and enduring shifts in various aspects of life, including increased flexibility in work arrangements. In a longitudinal study, spanning 24 months with six measurement points from April 2020 to April 2022, we explore changes in well-being, productivity, social contacts, and needs of software engineers during this time. Our findings indicate systematic changes in various variables. For example, well-being and quality of social contacts increased while emotional loneliness decreased as lockdown measures were relaxed. Conversely, people’s boredom and productivity, remained stable. Furthermore, a preliminary investigation into the future of work at the end of the pandemic revealed a consensus among developers for a preference of hybrid work arrangements. We also discovered that prior job changes and low job satisfaction were consistently linked to intentions to change jobs if current work conditions do not meet developers’ needs. This highlights the need for software organizations to adapt to various work arrangements to remain competitive employers. Building upon our findings and the existing literature, we introduce the Integrated Job Demands-Resources and Self-Determination (IJARS) Model as a comprehensive framework to explain the well-being and productivity of software engineers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Original languageEnglish
Article number112115
JournalJournal of Systems and Software
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2024


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