Global Sustainability Accounting: Developing EXIOBASE for Multi-Regional Footprint Analysis

Richard Wood, Konstantin Stadler, Tatyana Bulavskaya, Stephan Lutter, Stefan Giljum, Arjan de Koning, Jeroen Kuenen, Helmut Schütz, José Acosta-Fernández, Arkaitz Usubiaga, Moana Simas, Olga Ivanova, Jan Weinzettel, Jannick Højrup Schmidt, Stefano Merciai, Arnold Tukker

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325 Citations (Scopus)


Measuring progress towards sustainable development requires appropriate frameworks and databases. The System of Environmental-Economic Accounts (SEEA) is undergoing continuous refinement with these objectives in mind. In SEEA, there is a need for databases to encompass the global dimension of societal metabolism. In this paper, we focus on the latest effort to construct a global multi-regional input−output database (EXIOBASE) with a focus on environmentally relevant activities. The database and its broader analytical framework allows for the as yet most detailed insight into the production-related impacts and “footprints” of our consumption. We explore the methods used to arrive at the database, and some key relationships extracted from the database.
Original languageEnglish
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)138-163
Number of pages25
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Externally publishedYes

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