Guest Editorial: Flexible Operation and Control for Medium Voltage Direct-Current (MVDC) Grid

Yong Li, Josep M. Guerrero, Pierluigi Siano, Pat Wheeler, Weilin Li, Olav Krause

Research output: Contribution to journalEditorialpeer-review


We appreciate very much the support from the IET Power Electronics editorial board for this Special Issue on ‘Flexible Operation and Control for Medium Voltage Direct-Current (MVDC) Grid’. In this final version for publication, 15 papers have been selected for this Special Issue. Three papers relate to the topology of MVDC converter, four papers relate to the control of MVDC converter, four papers relate to the introduction of application fields of MVDC grid, and four papers relate to the semiconductor power device and drives towards the application in the medium- and high-voltage DC grid.
Original languageEnglish
JournalIET Power Electronics
Issue number15
Pages (from-to)2021 – 2022
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2017


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