Incorporation of occupational health and safety in cleaner production projects in South Africa

Frank Huess Hedlund

Research output: PhD thesis

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The purpose of this research is to reveal ways in which occupational health and safety can be integrated in environmental cleaner production projects. Of particular interest are those cleaner production projects that are run by the Danish government's environmental assistance agency, Danced, in South Africa.The study explores two main avenues of integration. First, integrating through better planning, focussing at the tools and procedures in use by Danced for project management -- integrating occupational health and safety into the project specification, so to speak.Second, integrating occupational health and safety into the environmental activities that take place at company level. Two ways of doing so are explored, the main distinction being company size. For large companies, integration of management systems may be attractive. For small companies, integration into a less formal network approach may be pursued. This is integrating occupational health and safety in the project implementation phase, so to speak.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2002


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