Initial Sea Trails of the DEXA D05 Wave Energy Converter

John Lavelle, Jens Peter Kofoed

Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch


This report presents an analysis of sensors data leading to an initial assessment of the power performance from sea trails of the DEXA D05 Wave Energy Converter (WEC). The sea trails where performed approx. 1 nautical mile offshore from Hanstholm, Denmark during 2011. The converter was 1:5 scale model of the planned full scale DEXA WEC with a hydraulic Power Take Off (PTO). The converter had sensors to measure mooring forces, motions, as well as pressure and displacement sensors in the PTOs. The report gives the calculated power production efficiency and an analysis of the mooring forces. The DEXA D05 WEC was built, deployed and operated by the client DEXAWAVE ApS and the analysis of the sensor data, given here, has been carried out by John Lavelle under supervision by Jens Peter Kofoed in the Wave Energy Research Group at the department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University (AAU).
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAalborg
PublisherDepartment of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University
Number of pages41
Commissioning bodyDEXAWAVE ApS
Publication statusPublished - 2012
SeriesDCE Contract Reports


  • Test Setup
  • WEC
  • PTO
  • WAB
  • Wave Activated Body
  • Wave Energy Converter
  • Power Production Estimation


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