Interrelations between Gender, Diversity, and European Integration

Helene Pristed Nielsen, Monika Mokre

    Research output: Working paper/PreprintWorking paperResearch


    The empirical question we want to address in this paper is two-fold. First,
    while we as social scientists may consider diversity a complex phenomenon,
    where multiple identifications are likely to co-exist and overlap, how do
    opinion makers within Europe conceive of and speak about diversity?
    Specifically, we assess to what extent they show awareness of the possibilities
    for multiple co-existing identifications. Secondly, building from the basis of
    conceptions of diversity, what are the future prospects for complex diversity in
    a Europe becoming increasingly integrated? As a part of assessing
    respondents’ conception of diversity, we focus particularly on how they
    articulate their notions of gender equality in connection with diversity. This is
    done both because the Eurosphere data contains comprehensive information
    about respondents’ conceptions of both, but also because gender serves as a
    relevant and manageable way of probing conceptions of ‘complex diversity’
    (Kraus 2009).
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherUniversity of Bergen
    Number of pages35
    Publication statusPublished - 24 Sept 2010


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