Investigation of UWB Wind Turbine Blade Deflection Sensing with a Tip Antenna inside a Blade

Shuai Zhang*, Tobias Lindstrøm Jensen, Ondrej Franek, Patrick Claus F. Eggers, Claus Byskov, Gert F. Pedersen

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16 Citations (Scopus)


An UWB blade deflection sensing system with a tip antenna inside a blade is investigated in this paper. The lower UWB band of 3.1-5.3 GHz is utilized. This system composes of two UWB radio links between one antenna inside the blade tip and two antennas outside the blade root. Blade deflections are tracked via two radio links using delay-based distance estimation and triangulation. In order to build reliable radio links, time-domain pulse field distributions are simulated to optimize the in-blade tip antenna polarization and the locations of the two root antennas around the root surface. Full-blade time-domain measurements are proposed to verify the simulations and realize the blade deflection sensing with an in-blade tip antenna. With the optimized in-blade tip antenna polarization and two root antenna locations, an accuracy of 2 cm is achieved for the tip-root antenna distance estimation, and the sensing system can realize the deflection tracking with a maximum deviation of 0.21 m and root mean squared error of 0.11 m.
Original languageEnglish
JournalI E E E Sensors Journal
Issue number22
Pages (from-to)7892 - 7902
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2016


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