Kognitive og emotionelle forandringer hos klienter i metadonvedligeholdelsesbehandling: en gennemgang og kritik af eksisterende forskning

Niels Skovby Aagesen

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


  There has for some time been diverse opinions concerning the effect of methadone on the cognitive and emotional functions in man. The present work attempts a critical overview of the existing research in this area, drawing some conclusions regarding the effect of methadone on the affected functions: 1) Concerning cognitive functions, the apparent negative effect of methadone is restricted to short time memory, and 2) apparently methadone have negative effects on emotional functioning in the areas of empathy and attachment, and a positive effect in the areas of depression and anxiety. At last some conclusions are drawn concerning the clinical use of methadone.
Original languageDanish
JournalNordic Psychology
Publication statusPublished - 2004

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