Listening All Around: What Could the Fluid Conceptualization of Artistic Citizenships Do?

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


This article explores and develops possible additional understandings of the term artistic citizenship as: 1) a lens to promote critical reflection; 2) a developing inclusive artistic identity; and 3) action for change. First, I provide a general overview of artistic citizenship in order to familiarize the reader with its current definitions and critiques. Second, I propose and develop three possible complementary understandings of the term by drawing parallels between different aspects of scholarship in citizenship and in the arts, exploring existing connections between the two fields, and developing new links between them by extrapolating relevant shared challenges, critiques, and possibilities from discourses about the former into the latter. Finally, I discuss how other conceptualizations of artistic citizenship could have been possible, and how replicating the processes presented in this article with other multidisciplinary terms—that link music with different fields of knowledge—may expand their possibilities as evolving, multifaceted, flawed, and “full of potential” assets that can keep enriching music education practice and scholarship.
Original languageEnglish
JournalAction, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2024
Externally publishedYes


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