Markering af propriumsfunktion ved omvendt ledstilling

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In this article, I discuss a type of proper name that is rarely discussed among linguistics and name researchers, however often found among the category of commercial names in the linguistic landscapes in cities. The proper name type differs from other proper name types due to its in Danish unconventional structure of having the part of the compound that describes the locality as the first part of the expression, e.g. Café Sommersko, and not as the last part of the compound, e.g. *Sommerskocaféen that is the common structure in Danish and other Germanic languages.
I argue that the unconventional word formation evokes the instant notion of proper name status, hence has the ability to bypass the time factor that expressions needs in order to obtain proper name status. Therefore, the unconventional expression can be used to exploit the untapped linguistic possibility in Danish language for name givers to form instant proper names.
Original languageDanish
JournalDanske Studier
Issue number602
Pages (from-to)100-110
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2020

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