
I will in this article use Fircks as a point of departure for trying to understand the complexities involved in the use of the concept of mindfulness. As will be seen, mindfulness can be traced to a decoupling from a religious background and subsequent appropriation within several Western contexts. This will then be used for a discussion of how to deal with the historicity of the phenomena studied within cultural psychology. Here two reminders will be suggested, namely understanding phenomena through a context-sensibility and at the same time being aware of any disciplinary parochialism.

Original languageEnglish
JournalIntegrative Psychological & Behavioral Science
Issue number3
Pages (from-to)869-877
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2024

Bibliographical note

© 2024. The Author(s).


  • Buddhist modernity
  • Context-sensitivity
  • De-parochialism
  • Mindfulness


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