Mirror Peripheral Neuropathy and Unilateral Chronic Neuropathic Pain: Insights from Asymmetric Neurological Patterns in Leprosy

Irina Raicher, Alexandra Zandonai, Isadora W. Anghinah, Mariana Frassetto, Patrick Raymond Nicolas Andre Ghislain Stump, Maria A. B. Trindade, Simone B Harnik, Rodrigo Alves de Oliveira, Ricardo S. S. Macarenco, Kathrin Doppler, Nurcan Üçeyler, Evandro Sobroza de Mello, Claudia Sommer, Manoel Jacobson Teixeira, Ricardo Galhardoni, Daniel Ciampi de Andrade

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Leprosy-related multiple mononeuropathy offers a pattern of impairment where neuropathy with and without neuropathic pain (NeP) are present in the same individual, thus allowing to investigate peripheral sensory and innervation in both conditions. This cross-sectional study collected data on clinical and neurological examination, pain assessment questionnaires, quantitative sensory test, and intraepidermal nerve fiber density of patients with leprosy and divided the cohort into 2 groups: with NeP (P+) and without NeP (P-). Furthermore, we assessed mirror body areas in the same NeP individuals with bilateral neuropathy also presenting unilateral NeP. Pain-free patients having unilateral neuropathy were controls. A total of 37 P+ and 22 P- patients were evaluated. Limb areas with NeP had signs of C-fiber dysfunction and hyperesthesia on quantitative sensory testing compared with limb areas having neuropathy without NeP. Skin denervation was found in all patients with leprosy. Comparisons of limbs with and without neuropathy and with and without NeP revealed that higher heat pain thresholds (HPTs) were associated with neuropathic pain areas, whereas less altered HPT was correlated with higher fiber density. Furthermore, a relationship was found between time of leprosy treatment termination and more intense neuropathy, expressed by HPT increasing 0.03°C each month. As expected, interindividual comparisons failed to show differences in intraepidermal nerve fiber density and subepidermal plexus areas between P+ and P- patients (P = 0.2980, P = 0.9044; respectively). Higher HPT and lower mechanical detection threshold were related to NeP. This study pointed out the relevance of intraindividual comparisons including mirror areas when assessing local changes in peripheral NeP.

Original languageEnglish
Issue number4
Pages (from-to)717-727
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2023

Bibliographical note

This study was funded by the Pain Center, HC-FMUSP, CNPq (scientific production
scholarship MJT, DCA).
DCA is supported by a Novo Nordisk Grant NNF21OC0072828.
The Center for Neuroplasticity and Pain (CNAP) is supported by the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF121).
IR has received a CAPES Institutional Sandwich PhD Programme Grants Abroad (PDSE) scholarship from CAPES.


  • intraepidermal nerve fibers
  • leprosy
  • neuropathic pain
  • quantitative sensory testing
  • skin biopsy


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