Mitigating the need of prior experience for firms to engage in university-industry collaborations

Ehab Abu Sa’a, Arnthor Gunnarsson

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingArticle in proceedingResearchpeer-review


In the modern business environment, University-Industry Collaboration (UIC) has emerged as a dynamic mechanism for knowledge co-creation and a way for firms to reach and sustain a competitive advantage. Collaborative university-industry (CUI) PhD projects offer a way to translate academic research into practical industry applications. Prior research emphasises the importance of prior UIC experience for firms to achieve successful knowledge related outcomes in UIC. This study explores how firms with limited UIC experience can effectively navigate the challenges and harness the benefits of such collaborations. In the context of Manufacturing Academy of Denmark (MADE) program, we investigate CUI PhD projects as pathways for fostering learning environments and generating valuable knowledge outcomes. Examining multiple cases, we identify themes that could help less experienced firms to navigate their success in UIC. Our findings underscore that careful project planning and design, strategic use of intermediaries, and fostering a firm-wide attitude of commitment play pivotal roles in enabling successful collaborations. This paper offers actionable insights that bridge the experience gap, providing practical guidance for firms aiming to unlock the full potential of UIC collaborations. By strategically embracing these approaches, less experienced firms can effectively navigate the intricacies of collaborative projects, enhancing their ability to thrive in the dynamic intersection of academia and industry.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication24th International CINet Conference : Taking care of our future: Foresight and innovation for a sustainable world
Number of pages11
PublisherContinuous Innovation Network
Publication date19 Sept 2023
ISBN (Electronic)978-90-77360-26-2
Publication statusPublished - 19 Sept 2023
Event24th CINet Conference: Taking care of our Future: Foresight and Innovation for a Sustainable World - Linz, Austria
Duration: 17 Sept 202319 Sept 2023


Conference24th CINet Conference
Internet address


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