MNE R&D Subsidiary Mandates Evolution in Emerging Economies: A Systematic Literature Review

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingConference abstract in proceedingResearchpeer-review


The aim of this paper is to present the results of a systematic literature review (SLR) on the subject of Research and Development (R&D) subsidiary mandate evolution in emerging economies and to illustrate what triggers R&D mandate upgrade. The subject of R&D mandates is of crucial importance to many multinational enterprises (MNEs) striving to utilize the potential of their foreign operations towards higher-value-added activities. While developed economies have long been a destination for R&D activities, emerging economies are increasingly recognized for their innovation potential. Previous research focused predominantly on developed economies, whereas the current trend of emerging economies has not been systematically reviewed. The paper uses Cooper’s (2017) approach to conducting a SLR based on 80 articles. The review defines four main themes, divers & locational attractiveness, subsidiary R&D mandates, evolutionary perspective on mandate change and antecedences for R&D mandate evolution. It concludes with an integrative conceptual framework utilizing multiple perspectives on R&D mandate evolution. Theoretically, this framework contributes to the advancement on the literature on subsidiary evolution in general and particularly in emerging markets. From a practical perspective, a better-integrated framework can provide guidance to businesses in emerging economies on how to start and successfully upgrade their R&D activities.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Proceedings of the 43rd European International Business Academy Conference : International Business in the Information Age
Place of PublicationMilan
PublisherEuropean International Business Academy
Publication date2017
ISBN (Electronic)978 88 6493 042 8
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventEIBA 2017 Milan Conference
: International Business in the Information Age
- School of Management/ Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
Duration: 14 Dec 201716 Dec 2017


ConferenceEIBA 2017 Milan Conference
LocationSchool of Management/ Politecnico di Milano
Internet address


  • R&D
  • China
  • Multinational companies
  • Systematic literature review


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