Modelling real estate business for governance and learning

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The challenges, which are addressed by the organisers of this workshop, demand cooperation among representatives of industry, government, and academia. The present paper assumes that university departments and their staff hold a key position to address the mentioned challenges and thus to promote the FIG profession(s) at European scope. A recent EU Communication, COM(2005) 152, calls for university networks, which meet criteria of critical mass; interdisciplinary teaching; a strong European dimension; backing from regional/national authorities and direct involvement of industry; as well as identified and declared areas of excellence. Within the above context, the paper refers to outcomes and experiences from the research action: Modelling Real Property Transactions (2001-2005). Among others, processes related to real estate (purchase, subdivision) were modelled and corresponding ontologies were drafted. Also, a follow-up action is in process of approval: Rearrangement of Property Rights for Rural and Urban Areas. A short study programme on Cadastral Development is proposed, which might enhance university networking with clusters of the micro-enterprises, which provide technical services in geodetic surveying and spatial planning, as well as with mapping and cadastral agencies. Referring to existing UNIGIS and EEGECS university networks, the proposed study programme answers a request for extending the knowledge profile of the geodetic surveyor within the field of land management, and thus contribute towards meeting the criteria mentioned above.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationFIG Workshop on e-Governance, Knowledge Management and e-Learning : April 2006, Budapest, Hungary
PublisherUniversity of West Hungary. College of Geoinformatics
Publication date2006
ISBN (Print)9632294238
Publication statusPublished - 2006
EventFIG Workshop on e-Governance, Knowledge Management and e-Learning - Budapest, Hungary
Duration: 27 Apr 200629 Apr 2006


ConferenceFIG Workshop on e-Governance, Knowledge Management and e-Learning


  • Cadastral development
  • Institutional economics
  • Modelling
  • Ontology
  • Real property
  • Transaction costs
  • University networks


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