Navigation-Oriented Scene Understanding for Robotic Autonomy: Learning to Segment Driveability in Egocentric Images

Galadrielle Humblot-Renaux*, Letizia Marchegiani, Thomas B. Moeslund, Rikke Gade

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This work tackles scene understanding for outdoor robotic navigation, solely relying on images captured by an on-board camera. Conventional visual scene understanding interprets the environment based on specific descriptive categories. However, such a representation is not directly interpretable for decision-making and constrains robot operation to a specific domain. Thus, we propose to segment egocentric images directly in terms of how a robot can navigate in them, and tailor the learning problem to an autonomous navigation task. Building around an image segmentation network, we present a generic affordance consisting of 3 driveability levels which can broadly apply to both urban and off-road scenes. By encoding these levels with soft ordinal labels, we incorporate inter-class distances during learning which improves segmentation compared to standard "hard" one-hot labelling. In addition, we propose a navigation-oriented pixel-wise loss weighting method which assigns higher importance to safety-critical areas. We evaluate our approach on large-scale public image segmentation datasets ranging from sunny city streets to snowy forest trails. In a cross-dataset generalization experiment, we show that our affordance learning scheme can be applied across a diverse mix of datasets and improves driveability estimation in unseen environments compared to general-purpose, single-dataset segmentation.
Original languageEnglish
Article number9689949
JournalIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)2913-2920
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2022


  • Affordances
  • Deep learning for visual perception
  • Image segmentation
  • Labeling
  • Navigation
  • Roads
  • Robots
  • Semantics
  • computer vision for transportation
  • semantic scene understanding


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