Neural control of matched motor units during muscle shortening and lengthening at increasing velocities

Anderson Souza Oliveira, Francesco Negro

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19 Citations (Scopus)


Modulation of movement velocity is necessary during daily life tasks, work, and sports activities. However, assessing motor unit behavior during muscle shortening and lengthening at different velocities is challenging. High-density surface electromyography (HD-sEMG) is an established method to identify and track motor unit behavior in isometric contractions. Therefore, we used this methodology to unravel the behavior of the same motor units in dynamic contractions at low contraction velocities. Velocity-related changes in tibialis anterior motor unit behavior during concentric and eccentric contractions at 10 and 25% maximum voluntary isometric contraction were assessed by decomposing HD-sEMG signals recorded from the tibialis anterior muscle of eleven healthy participants at 5°/s, 10°/s, and 20°/s. Motor units extracted from the dynamic contractions were tracked across different velocities at the same load levels. On average, 14 motor units/participant were matched across different velocities, showing specific changes in discharge rate modulation. Specifically, increased velocity led to an increased rate of change in discharge rate (e.g., discharge rate slope, p=0.025), recruitment and derecruitment discharge rates (p=0.003 and p=0.001), and decreased recruitment angles (p=0.0001). Surprisingly, the application of the motor unit extraction filters calculated from 20°/s onto the recordings at 5°/s and 10°/s revealed that >92% of motor units recruited at the highest velocity were active on both lower velocities, indicating no additional recruitment of motor units. Our results suggest that motor unit rate coding rather than recruitment is responsible for controlling muscle shortening and lengthening contractions at increasing velocities against a constant load.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Applied Physiology
Issue number6
Pages (from-to)1798-1813
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Dynamic
  • Eccentric
  • Motor unit
  • Neural drive
  • Shortening


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