New Perspectives for the role of Creativity in Education

Christian Byrge, Patricia Núñez Gómez

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This think piece is based on the combined insights from several decades of research and practice in the field of creativity, communication of new ideas and educational design. It suggests that the continuous introduction of robots and artificial intelligences will take over lots of the tasks that are based on logic and causal thinking. That it will even be able to produce ideas based on simple relative creativity, thus potentially making simple creative processes and creative techniques obsolete for the future workforce and entrepreneurs. It also suggests that this ﰁtake-over of tasksﰂ opens up for the opportunity to direct general human capacity into solving increasingly complex problems created and faced by the human race, where creativity will be desperately needed. As a result, we may enter a new and more inclusive golden era in the history of mankind. In order for this to succeed the educational system will need to go beyond simply teaching creative process methods and creative techniques. It needs to systematically integrate holistic creativity curriculum as a fundamental component throughout all levels of education. It needs to define, explore, invent, experiment and disseminate approaches for holistic and systematic development of creative competences and creative confidence so that graduates will gain creativity as a second nature.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Creativity and Business Innovation
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Creativity in Education
  • Creativity Training
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Creativity and Societal Development


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