NORCOWE Reference Wind Farm

Thomas Bak, Angus Graham

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Offshore wind farms are complex systems, influenced by both
the environment (e.g. wind, waves, current and seabed) and
the design characteristics of the equipment available for installation
(e.g. turbine type, foundations, cabling and distance
to shore). These aspects govern the capital and operating expenditures,
which, along with the energy produced, determine
the cost of energy. A better system-level understanding of
wind farms is hence of critical importance to the wind-energy
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAnnual report NORCOWE 2014
EditorsKristin Guldbrandsen Frøysa, Trygve Toft-Eriksen
Publication date2 Mar 2015
Publication statusPublished - 2 Mar 2015


  • Offshore Wind
  • Wind Energy
  • Wind Farms


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