Om at skabe tankevækkende viden - vidensformer mellem arkitekturens praksis og forskning

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    The questions of which kinds of knowledge architects use and how research can establish new knowledge valuable for architectural practice are a necessary concern in architectural research and in this interview Kristian Kreiner gives his view upon the questions.
    Professor Kristian Kreiner is specialised in knowledge management at Copenhagen Business School and as head of Center for Management Studies of the Building Process he has conducted a wide range of projects concerning the building industry. One of many projects focuses upon architectural competitions in particular.
    It is characteristic for the architectural profession, he says, that architects work with loosely structured problems. The knowledge used in design and decision making is often impossible to define before a task but may be defined in retrospective. Archimedean points, chosen by the architects, guide their problem solving. 'Good examples' are used as metaphors giving inspiration, and indicating in which directions solutions may be looked for. The researcher's task is not to replace knowledge people already have with 'better' knowledge, but to create thought-provoking knowledge.
    Original languageDanish
    JournalNordic Journal of Architectural Research
    Issue number1/2
    Pages (from-to)169-176
    Publication statusPublished - 2010

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