“Outer space” as Cold War spirituality: Students’ drawings and texts on “life questions” in 1980s welfare-state Sweden

Mette Buchardt, Katarina Kärnebro, Christina Osbeck

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


Since the post-WWII space race, images of “outer space” circulated globally. Produced in late 1980s welfare-state Sweden, “beings from other planets” and artifacts related to “outer space” pop up from an archived data material consisting of 2nd to 3rd grade students’ drawings and written text. The material was created in an education development project aiming at generating knowledge about “children’s life questions” and making them part of curriculum. Drawing on history of emotions methodologies, the article explores which role “outer space” occupies in the images and narratives and what this can tell us about the transformations of the religious and spiritual and the emotional economy of late Cold War welfare-state childhoods.
Translated title of the contributionDet ydre rum som kold krigs-spiritualitet: Elevers tegninger og tekster om "livsspørgsmål" i 1980ernes velfærdsstats-Sverige
Original languageEnglish
Article number2
JournalIJHE. Bildungsgeschichte. International Journal for the Historiography of Education
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)138-156
Number of pages19
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2022


  • Reform
  • Secularization
  • Childhood History
  • Cold War
  • Spirituality
  • History of Emotions
  • History of Education
  • Historical religion research


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