Polarimetric Wireless Indoor Channel Modelling Based on Propagation Graph

Ramoni Adeogun, Troels Pedersen, Carl Gustafson, Fredrik Tufvesson

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This paper generalizes a propagation graph model to polarized indoor wireless channels. In the original contribution, the channel is modelled as a propagation graph in which vertices represent transmitters, receivers and scatterers while edges represents the propagation conditions between vertices. Each edge is characterized by an edge transfer function accounting for the attenuation, delay spread and phase shift on the edge. In this contribution, we extend this modelling formalism to polarized channels by incorporating depolarization effects into the edge transfer functions and hence, the channel transfer matrix. We derive closed form expressions for the polarimetric power delay spectrum and cross-polarization ratio of the indoor channel. The expressions are derived considering average signal propagation in a graph and relate these statistics to model parameters, thereby providing a useful approach to investigate the averaged effect of these parameters on the channel statistics. Furthermore, we present a procedure for calibrating the model based on method of moments. Simulations were performed to validate the proposed model and the derived approximate expressions using both synthetic data and channel measurements at 15GHz and 60 GHz . We observed very good agreement between the model, approximate expressions and measured channel.
Original languageEnglish
Article number8753690
JournalI E E E Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
Issue number10
Pages (from-to)6585-6595
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2019


  • Directed graph
  • dual polarized system
  • measurements
  • millimeter wave
  • multi-in multi-out (MIMO) system
  • polarization
  • propagation graph
  • stochastic channel model


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