
In this chapter, we wish to approach and explore Positioning Theory (PT) from the perspective of pragmatism with which it shares some significant points. A significant idea in pragmatism is that practical reason is basically the model for all kinds of reason. This means that a theory such as PT should ultimately be considered as a tool that is valid to the extent that it enables human beings to solve problems, create solidarity, and act in better ways. Theories about moral and ethical life should thus be applicable as moral theories in themselves if they are to matter. This point goes back to Aristotle’s analysis of ethics as a practical discipline that is not just about analysing moral issues at a distance, but also about making us moral in our lives. Following this pragmatist view of social theories, we suggest that PT can be seen as explicating an understanding of social episodes that we need to acquire to learn to act morally as capable practical reasoners, but which quite often is left implicit in our everyday lives. Finally, we consider how PT could be used pragmatically to train the capacity for practical reasoning in moral education.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Routledge International Handbook of Positioning Theory
EditorsMary McVee, Luk van Langenhove, Cynthia Brock, Bo Allesøe Christensen
Number of pages14
Publication date2025
ISBN (Print)9781032264370
ISBN (Electronic)9781003288305
Publication statusPublished - 2025
SeriesRoutledge Handbooks


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