Predicting the quality of process model matching

Matthias Weidlich, Tomer Sagi, Henrik Leopold, Avigdor Gal, Jan Mendling

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingArticle in proceedingResearchpeer-review

26 Citations (Scopus)


Process model matching refers to the task of creating correspondences among activities of different process models. This task is crucial whenever comparison and alignment of process models are called for. In recent years, there have been a few attempts to tackle process model matching. Yet, evaluating the obtained sets of correspondences reveals high variability in the results. Addressing this issue, we propose a method for predicting the quality of results derived by process model matchers. As such, prediction serves as a case-by-case decision making tool in estimating the amount of trust one should put into automatic matching. This paper proposes a model of prediction for process matching based on both process properties and preliminary match results.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBusiness Process Management - 11th International Conference, BPM 2013, Proceedings
Number of pages8
Publication date2013
ISBN (Print)9783642401756
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Externally publishedYes
Event11th International Conference on Business Process Management, BPM 2013 - Beijing, China
Duration: 26 Aug 201330 Aug 2013


Conference11th International Conference on Business Process Management, BPM 2013
SponsorBizagi, IBM
SeriesLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Volume8094 LNCS


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