Predicting Virtual Learning Environment Adoption: A Case Study

Sonam Penjor, Pär-Ola Mikael Zander

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10 Citations (Scopus)


This study investigates the significance of Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations (DOI) theory with regard to the use of a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) at the Royal University of Bhutan (RUB). The focus is on different adoption types and characteristics of users. Rogers’ DOI theory is applied to investigate the influence of five predictors (relative advantage, complexity, compatibility, trialability and observability) and their significance in the perception of academic staff at the RUB in relation to the probability of VLE adoption. These predictors are attributes of the VLE that determine the rate of adoption by various adopter group memberships (Innovators, Early Adopters, Early Majority, Late Majority, Laggards). Descriptive statistics and regression analysis were
deployed to analyse adopter group memberships and predictor significance in VLE adoption and use. The results revealed varying attitudes towards VLE adoption by academic staff at RUB. Few predictors were consistent with previous research on VLE adoption. There were also significant differences from previous research on predictors such as the deviation in adopter frequency from that predicted by Rogers DOI theory.
Therefore, it can be concluded that it is misleading to rely on the DOI theory in the way it is currently operationalised for predicting VLE use.
Original languageEnglish
JournalThe Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)69-82
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2016


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