Probabilistic Design of Wave Energy Devices

John Dalsgaard Sørensen, Jens Peter Kofoed, C.B. Ferreira

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingArticle in proceedingResearchpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)
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Wave energy has a large potential for contributing significantly to production of renewable energy. However, the wave energy sector is still not able to deliver cost competitive and reliable solutions. But the sector has already demonstrated several proofs of concepts. The design of wave energy devices is a new and expanding technical area where there is no tradition for probabilistic design—in fact very little full scale devices has been build to date, so it can be said that no design tradition really exists in this area. For this reason it is considered to be of great importance to develop and advocate for a probabilistic design approach, as it is assumed (in other areas this has been demonstrated) that this leads to more economical designs compared to designs based on deterministic methods. In the present paper a general framework for probabilistic design and reliability analysis of wave energy devices is presented.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication ICASP11 : Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering : Zurich, Switzerland, 1 - 4 August 2011
EditorsMichael H. Faber, Koehler Jochen, Kazuyoshi Nishijima
Number of pages7
PublisherCRC Press
Publication date2011
ISBN (Print)978-0-415-66986-3
Publication statusPublished - 2011
EventThe 11th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering - Zürich, Switzerland
Duration: 1 Aug 20114 Aug 2011


ConferenceThe 11th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering


  • Wave Energy
  • Renewable Energy
  • Probabilistic Designs
  • Design of Wave Energy Devices


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  • SDWED: Structural design of wave energy devices (SDWED)

    Kofoed, J. P. (Project Coordinator), Frigaard, P. (Project Participant), Sørensen, J. D. (Project Participant), Pedersen, J. K. (Project Participant), Lu, K. (Project Participant), Sørensen, J. T. (Project Participant), Bingham, H. (Project Participant), Ferreira, C. B. (Project Participant), Zanuttigh, B. (Project Participant), Estefan, S. F. (Project Participant), Nielsen, K. (Project Participant), Brito-Melo, A. (Project Participant), Sterndorff, M. (Project Participant), Ingram, D. (Project Participant) & Bard, J. (Project Participant)


    Project: Research


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