Problem-Based Learning and Economics – a Match in Heaven or in Hell?

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PBL imply research based on real-life problems and subsequently theory and methodology needs to be tailor-made to the problem in hand. When making problem-based economically oriented projects students thus, need to construct their own theoretical framework by combining different economic paradigms, linking to other social sciences and consulting research on the problem at hand. This is challenging within the field of economics. Theories from mainstream economics are less than adequate in this respect as they are often very remote from real-life economic problems, are difficult to connect to other theories, and tends to redefine a problem in order to make it fit into the abstract methodological approach. Also, non-mainstream economics might, however, be experienced as being too abstract and arm’s length. The students are, hence, very dependent on their supervisor to navigate in this messy water.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date20 Apr 2017
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 20 Apr 2017
EventThe Fourth Nordic Post-Keynesian Conference - Folkekirkens Hus/Den gl. Nationalbank bygning, Aalborg, Denmark
Duration: 20 Apr 201721 Apr 2017
Conference number: 4


ConferenceThe Fourth Nordic Post-Keynesian Conference
LocationFolkekirkens Hus/Den gl. Nationalbank bygning
Internet address

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