Providing Online Wave Data For the DanWEC Test Site: (DanWEC Vaekstforum 2011)

John Lavelle, Jens Peter Kofoed

Research output: Book/ReportReportCommunication

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DANWEC will enable wave energy developers located at Hanstholm to share resources, in order to encrease the rate of development of their devices while reducing costs. Hanstholm is located on the north west coast of Denmark; the location of the buoy is shown in figur 1. The website that this document describes will allow developers to access the processed data from the buoy located near Hanstholm, data from the weather station at Hanstholm harbour and the water level in the harbour. As wave energy devices are dependent on the sea condition, the wave parameters are necessary for characterizing the device, in order to determine its performance in situ and at other locations and scales.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAalborg
PublisherDepartment of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University
Number of pages32
Publication statusPublished - 2012
SeriesDCE Technical reports


  • Wave Data
  • AWS EC2
  • Website
  • Wave Parameters
  • Wind Parameters
  • Water Level Data


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