Quality of Higher Education: Organizational and Educational Perspectives: A Study in the Chinese Context

Yihuan Zou

    Research output: PhD thesis


    With expansion and new mechanisms of accountability in higher education, more and more concerns have been raised over the issues of quality in higher education. In this PhD project I have constructed a framework of three perspectives for approaching quality in higher education, i.e. the policy perspective, organizational perspective and educational perspective. The policy (or government) perspective looks into how higher education institutions can be promoted and facilitated to realize their roles in society and be held accountable for their utilization of public resources. The organizational perspective looks into how institutions as organizations can survive and prosper in relation to quality assurance. The educational perspective looks into how higher education has facilitated students’ development and growth.
    Then, I have argued that the latter two perspectives should be given more attention in quality-related research in order to form a more informed and inclusive understanding of quality of higher education; and this study is devoted to an exploration from these two perspectives. Specifically, I have asked:
    (1) How is quality of higher education perceived by the institution, teaching staff and students, respectively?
    (2) What are the main concerns for the institution, teaching staff and students in their own pursuit of quality?
    Translated title of the contributionKvaliteten af de videregående uddannelser: Organisatoriske og pædagogiske aspekter: En undersøgelse i den kinesiske kontekst
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 12 Jun 2013

    Bibliographical note

    Afhandlingen er udgivet af River Publishers, se ovenstående link

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