Quantum spill-out in nanometer-thin gold slabs: Effect on the plasmon mode index and the plasmonic absorption

Enok Johannes Haahr Skjølstrup, Thomas Møller Søndergaard, Thomas Garm Pedersen

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A quantum mechanical approach and local response theory are applied to study plasmons propagating in nanometer-thin gold slabs sandwiched between different dielectrics. The metal slab supports two different kinds of modes, classified as long- and short-range plasmons. Quantum spill-out is found to significantly increase the imaginary part of their mode indices, and, surprisingly, even for slabs wide enough to approach bulk the increase is 20%. This is explained in terms of enhanced plasmonic absorption, which mainly takes place in narrow regions located near the slab surface.
Original languageEnglish
Article number155427
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number15
Pages (from-to)1-9
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 26 Apr 2019

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