Rapid adjustments in thermal tolerance and the metabolome to daily environmental changes – a field study on the Arctic seed bug Nysius groenlandicus

Natasja Krog Noer*, Mathias Hamann Sørensen, Hervé Colinet, David Renault , Simon Bahrndorff, Torsten Nygård Kristensen

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Laboratory investigations on terrestrial model-species, typically of temperate origin, have demonstrated that terrestrial ectotherms can cope with daily temperature variations through rapid hardening responses. However, few studies have investigated this ability and its physiological basis in the field. Especially in polar regions, where the temporal and spatial temperature variations can be extreme, are hardening responses expected to be important. Here, we examined diurnal adjustments in heat and cold tolerance in the Greenlandic seed bug Nysius groenlandicus by collecting individuals for thermal assessment at different time points within and across days. We found a significant correlation between observed heat or cold tolerance and the ambient microhabitat temperatures at the time of capture, indicating that N. groenlandicus continuously and within short time-windows respond physiologically to thermal changes and/or other environmental variables in their microhabitats. Secondly, we assessed underlying metabolomic fingerprints using GC-MS metabolomics in a subset of individuals collected during days with either low or high temperature variation. Concentrations of metabolites, including sugars, polyols, and free amino acids varied significantly with time of collection. For instance, we detected elevated sugar levels in animals caught at the lowest daily field temperatures. Polyol concentrations were lower in individuals collected in the morning and evening and higher at midday and afternoon, possibly reflecting changes in temperature. Additionally, changes in concentrations of metabolites associated with energetic metabolism were observed across collection times. Our findings suggest that in these extreme polar environments hardening responses are marked and likely play a crucial role for coping with microhabitat temperature variation on a daily scale, and that metabolite levels are actively altered on a daily basis.

Original languageEnglish
Article number818485
JournalFrontiers in Physiology
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Bibliographical note

Copyright © 2022 Noer, Sørensen, Colinet, Renault, Bahrndorff and Kristensen.


  • arctic
  • climate change
  • diurnal environmental variation
  • GC-MS metabolomics
  • insects
  • phenotypic plasticity
  • temperature variation
  • thermal tolerance


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