Removal of arsenic from contaminated groundwater with application of iron electrodissolution, aeration and sand filtration

Krysztof Kowalski, Kasia Arturi, Erik Gydesen Søgaard

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


The results from a new water treatment system for arsenic removal are presented. The technology is based on the employment of an electrolytic iron dissolution and efficient aeration procedure prior to sand filtration. The treatment was introduced and investigated in a pilot scale plant and full scale waterworks. The pilot scale results showed a possibility for an efficient arsenic removal from spiked solutions (with As in the range of 50–85 μg/L) depending on the process conditions (flow and applied current). In the waterworks where the system was implemented for a period of 14 months, there was a relationship where the higher applied current from the iron generator resulted in a better quality of the produced water. The long period of use also helped to determine a proper iron dosage (the Fe/As ratio 68 mg/mg) and identify carbonate scale formation in the electrochemical process. The electrolytic dissolution of the Fe was found to be a practical method for iron dosing; however more work has to be done for process improvement and optimization that shall focus on the Fe anode geometry.
Original languageEnglish
JournalWater Science and Technology: Water Supply
Issue number3
Pages (from-to)347-357
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • anodic iron dissolution
  • sand filtration
  • carbonate scaling
  • arsenic removal


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