Report on the Workshop on Barriers to Interactive IR Resources Re-use (BIIRRR 2018)

Toine Bogers, Maria Gäde, Mark Hall, Luanne Freund, Marijn Koolen, Vivien Petras, Mette Skov

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingReport chapterResearchpeer-review


The goal of the BIIRRR 2018 workshop is to serve as a starting point for a community-driven effort to design and implement a platform for the collection, organization, maintenance, and sharing of resources for interactive information retrieval (IIR) experimentation. Examples include search tasks, experimental protocols, questionnaire designs, reporting standards, evaluation procedures, data collections, and the search interaction data produced in such experiments.

The goal of the BIIRRR 2018 workshop [2] was to serve as a starting point for a community-driven effort to design and implement a platform for the collection, organization, maintenance, and sharing of resources for interactive information retrieval (IIR) experimentation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSIGIR Forum
Number of pages10
PublisherAssociation for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Publication dateJun 2018
EditionJune 2018
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2018
EventCHIIR 2018: 3rd ACM SIGIR Conference on Information Interaction and Retrieval - New Brunswick, NJ, USA, New Brunswick, United States
Duration: 11 Mar 201815 Mar 2018
Conference number: 3


ConferenceCHIIR 2018: 3rd ACM SIGIR Conference on Information Interaction and Retrieval
LocationNew Brunswick, NJ, USA
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityNew Brunswick
Internet address
SeriesSIGIR Forum


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