Responsible Land Administration: A GLTN Synthesis Report and User Guidance

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingArticle in proceedingResearchpeer-review


Responsible land governance supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and incorporates the principles outlined in the Voluntary Guidelines on the responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGTs). Responsible land governance is then seen as accountable and effective, founded on public and civic engagement, and based on the rule of law through transparency and control of corruption.
To help building responsible land administration concepts especially in developing countries, the UN-Habitat Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) developed the “Teaching Essentials for Responsible Land Administration” to be presented as a “Structured Knowledge Base” consisting of six modules each of about 70 pages. This Knowledge Base is available at the GLTN e-learning platform The main aim of this resource is to support the design and teaching of responsible land administration curricula at universities and training institutions especially in developing countries.
The six modules as uploaded at the GLTN website 2019 include: 1. Core values and principles of responsible land administration; 2. Land tenure security; 3. Participatory land use planning and management; 4. Responsible land administration and information in practice; 5. Land-based finance, and 6. Land policy and regulatory frameworks.
To facilitate a wider use of this e-learning platform, GLTN has now produced an abridged version of the Teaching Essentials. It provides an introduction to responsible land administration, a summary of each of the six modules, and guidance on how to use the modules for e-learning, university education, research activities, capacity development and training, and professional practice. It also offers recommendations for applying the principles of responsible land administration at the level.
This paper presents the overall contents of this new GLTN publication.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDigital Transformation for Responsible Land Administration : FIG Commission 7 & 2 Annual meeting
Number of pages21
Place of PublicationCopenhagen
PublisherInternational Federation of Surveyors
Publication date2 Oct 2023
Publication statusPublished - 2 Oct 2023
EventFIG Commission 7 & 2 Annual Meeting 2023 - locatie punt, Deventer, Netherlands
Duration: 2 Oct 20234 Oct 2023


ConferenceFIG Commission 7 & 2 Annual Meeting 2023
Locationlocatie punt
Internet address


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