ReUseHeat project - Accessible urban waste heat (Revised version)

Urban Persson*, Helge Averfalk, Steffen Nielsen, Diana Moreno

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Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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This report presents the revised work performed in Task T1.2 of the ReUseHeat project to assess the accessible EU28 urban excess heat recovery potential from seven unconventional excess heat sources: data centres, metro stations, food production facilities, food retail stores, residential sector buildings, service sector buildings, and waste water treatment plants. The report presents in overview and detail the concepts, data, basic premises, and methods, used to produce the results from this work. In all, excess heat potentials are modelled an d spatially mapped for a total of some 70,800 unique activities, but by application of two new concepts: available excess heat and accessible excess heat, by which total potentials are distinguished from practical utilisation potentials, a significantly reduced count of some 27,700 unique facilities represent the final cut.Common for these facilities are that they all are located inside or within 2 kilometres of urban district heating areas. For the total count of activities, the full available excess heat potential is assessed at some 1.84 EJ per year. At the restrained conditions, thus representing a conservative estimate, the final available excess heat potential from the seven unconventional sources is estimated at 0.96 EJ per year, which here corresponds to a final accessible excess heat potential anticipated at 1.41 EJ annually.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages168
Commissioning bodyHorizon Europe
Publication statusPublished - May 2020


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