Søfolk sejler i ingenmandsland under COVID-19-krisen

Birgit Feldtmann, Fenella Billing, Kristina Siig

Research output: Contribution to journalContribution to newspaper - Feature article

Original languageDanish
JournalLederne Søfart
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)18-19
Publication statusPublished - 2020
  • PolSEA: Policing at Sea

    Billing, F. (Project Participant), Feldtmann, B. (PI), Siig, K. (Project Participant), Østergaard, K. (Project Participant), Fleth-Barten, U. (Project Participant), Frier, C. (Project Participant), Rasmussen, H. B. (Project Participant) & Laursen, F. (Project Participant)

    Project: Research

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