Salicornia Species: Current Status and Future Potential

Tanmay Chaturvedi, Aslak Heuser Clemen Christiansen, Iwona Gołębiewska, Mette Hedegaard Thomsen

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Salicornia species are halophytes widely distributed in the temperate, boreal, and subtropical parts of the northern hemisphere and can be found growing in and around coastal and inland salt marshes, salt pans, salt lakes, and mudflats. The genus Salicornia includes up to 30 species; however, inbreeding and a high degree of physiological plasticity have led to an extremely challenging taxonomy. This chapter summarizes the proximate compositional analysis, polysaccharide fractions, carbohydrate fractions, mineral elements, amino acid profile, and fatty acid composition reported from various species of the genus. Uses of Salicornia as a nutrient source for humans, feed for animals and fish, as a biofuel source, in the pharmaceutical industry, for phytoremediation, and as biofilters for aquaculture have been highlighted. The widespread utility of this halophyte for food, feed, fuel, and medicine makes it a versatile plant capable of utilization in developing circular economies.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication Future of Sustainable Agriculture in Saline Environments
Number of pages22
Publication date2021
ISBN (Electronic)9781003112327
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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