Searching for the silver bullet: Designing mHealth applications for supporting shared decision-making when treating adolescent knee pain; a workshop study.

Simon Kristoffer Johansen*, Michael Skovdal Rathleff, Kian Haseli, Visti Hildebrandt Stenmo, Janus Laust Thomsen, Anne Marie Kanstrup

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conference without publisher/journalConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review


Mobile health (mHealth) applications are promising tools for supporting self-management of adolescents with knee pain. However, it is unclear how these tools should be designed to integrate into- and support patient-parent-clinician collaboration, across clinical settings and everyday contexts. This study aimed to extract principles for designing mHealth core-features, which supports adolescents with knee pains individual- and shared health decision-making concurrently.

Methods and materials:
Three future workshops were conducted with young adults suffering from knee pain since adolescence (N=9), parents (N=6) and general practitioners (N=9). Each workshop utilized case vignettes and design-cards to stimulate discussions and extract visions for mHealth designs. Data was transcribed and analyzed thematically. Extracted themes were synthesized to identify divergences and overlaps across datasets and extract design principles.

The analysis revealed how adolescents, parents and clinicians viewed knee pain trough different lenses, and identified challenges, barriers and connections for enhancing collaboration. Five themes were identified with “adolescents as explorers of pain and social rules”, “parents as periphery jugglers” and “GPs as guides, gatekeepers and reflective practitioners” describing participants roles, “pathways, barriers and tensions in collaboration” referred to contextual elements, while “visions for an mHealth application” defined principles for designing core-features to support individual and shared decision-making.

The formation of a shared language for addressing knee pain was highlighted as a barrier during clinical sessions. Future designs should empower users to take on the role as explorers (adolescents), mediators (parents) and guides (GPs) and
facilitate mutual insight into the challenges faced by each user group.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2022
Publication statusUnpublished - 2022
EventScandinavian Sports Medicine Congress 2022 - Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 3 Feb 20225 Feb 2022


ConferenceScandinavian Sports Medicine Congress 2022
LocationRadisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel
Internet address

Bibliographical note

The Sportskongress 2022 was cancelled, in order to comply with Covid-19 restictions.


  • MHealth
  • eHealth
  • Shared decision making
  • Adolescent
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Knee Pain
  • Self-Management
  • General Practice


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