Sensitivity analysis of extreme loads acting on a point-absorbing wave energy converter

Claes Eskilsson, Johannes Palm, Pär Johannesson, Guilherme Moura Paredes

Research output: Contribution to journalConference article in JournalResearchpeer-review


There are many uncertainties associated with the estimation of extreme loads acting on a wave energy converter (WEC). In this study we perform a sensitivity analysis of extreme loads acting on the Uppsala University (UU) WEC concept. The UU WEC consists of a bottom mounted linear generator which is connected to a surface buoy with a taut mooring line. The maximum stroke length of the linear generator is enforced by end-stops. Initially, a Variation Mode and Effect Analysis (VMEA) was carried out in order to identify the largest input uncertainties. The system was then modelled in the time-domain solver WECSIM coupled to the dynamic mooring solver Moody. A sensitivity analysis was made by generating a surrogate model based on polynomial chaos expansions, which rapidly evaluates the maximum loads on the mooring line and the end stops. The sensitivities are ranked using the Sobol index
method. We investigated two sea states using equivalent regular waves (ERW) and irregular wave (IR) trains. We found that the ERW approach significantly underestimate
the maximum loads. Interestingly, the ERW predicted wave height and period as the most important parameters for the maximum mooring tension, while the tension in IR waves was most sensitive to the drag coefficient of the surface buoy. The end-stop loads were most sensitive to the PTO damping coefficient.
Original languageEnglish
JournalProceedings of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference
Pages (from-to)1992-1 - 1992-10
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Event14th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference - University of Plymouth, Virtual, Online, United Kingdom
Duration: 5 Sept 20219 Sept 2021
Conference number: 14


Conference14th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference
LocationUniversity of Plymouth
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
CityVirtual, Online
Internet address

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© European Wave and Tidal Energy


  • Extreme waves
  • Generalized polyomial chaos
  • Mooring dynamics
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Variation mode effect analysis
  • Wave energy converter


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