Soil-Structure Interaction For Nonslender, Large-Diameter Offshore Monopiles

Søren Peder Hyldal Sørensen

Research output: PhD thesis

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Strong political and industrial forces, especially in Northern Europe, support the
development of new technologies as well as improvements of existing technologies within the field of renewable energy. Offshore wind power is a domestic, sustainable and largely untapped energy resource. Today, the modern offshore wind turbine offers competitive production prices compared to other sources of renewable energy. Therefore, it is a key technology in breaking the dependence on fossil fuels and in achieving the energy and climate goals of the future.

For offshore wind turbines, the costs of foundation typically constitutes 20-30 % of the total costs. Hence, improved methods for the design of foundations for offshore wind turbines can increase the competitiveness of offshore wind energy significantly.
The monopile foundation concept has been employed as the foundation for the majority of the currently installed offshore wind turbines. The overall aim of the present thesis is to enable low-cost and low-risk foundations to be designed for future offshore wind farms. Therefore, the soil-pile interaction for non-slender, large-diameter offshore piles has been investigated.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAalborg
Publication statusPublished - 2012

Bibliographical note

Vol 1:
number of pages 31 pp, PDF for print. 202 pp.
Include the articles:
"Review of Laterally Loaded Monopiles Employed as the Foundation for Offshore Wind Turbines" - 48 pp.
"Testing of Laterally Loaded Rigid Piles with Applied Overburden Pressure" - 7 pp.
"Revised Expression for the Static Initial Part of P-Y Curves for Piles in Sand" - 40 pp.
"Assessment of Scour Design for Offshore Monopiles Unprotected Against Scour" - 42 pp.

Vol 2:
number of pages: 241 pp., PDF for print. 327 pp.
Inkludrerer artiklerne:
"Small-scale quasi-static tests on non-slender piles situated in sand - Test results." - 241pp.
"Small-scale cyclic tests on non-slender piles situated in sand - Test results." 75 pp.


  • Foundations
  • Offshore Wind Turbines
  • Monopile Foundation
  • Gravity Based Foundation
  • Bucket Foundation
  • Tripod Foundation
  • Jacket Foundation
  • Floating Foundations
  • Laterally Loaded Piles
  • Non-Slender Piles
  • Sand
  • Scour


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  • Seabed Wind Farm Interaction

    Sørensen, S. P. H. (Project Participant), Ibsen, L. B. (Project Manager) & Hartvig, P. A. (Other)

    <ingen navn>


    Project: PhD Project


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