Sustainability – abstract ideals on concrete housing architecture

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingArticle in proceedingResearchpeer-review


In this paper the sustainable development is discussed in the light of architecture. It is shown, that the sustainable development leads to a changed perspective on time and space. The paper starts by focusing on architecture in the early 20th century. The environmental problems that modernist architects reacted against could be seen, smelled and heard - they could be experienced by the senses. This made it possible for modernist architects to relate environmental solutions to the development of architectural qualities, that are also experienced by the senses. In contrast, current environmental problems are more intangible. They are existing in a remote atmosphere, and can only be detected with the use of sophisticated measuring equipment. Today's environmental problems are intangible and abstract. This makes it difficult to integrate the solution of environmental problems in contemporary architectural design. Architecture is a definite art form that is experienced by the senses. It is therefore not immediately obvious how specific architectural qualities can be related to the solution of contemporary abstract environmental problems.
Original languageDanish
Title of host publicationAPNHR2013 Proceedings
Number of pages4
PublisherUniversity of Malaya
Publication date2013
ISBN (Electronic)978-983-4450-3-4
Publication statusPublished - 2013
EventAsian Pacific Network of Housing Research - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Duration: 19 Aug 201322 Aug 2013


ConferenceAsian Pacific Network of Housing Research
CityKuala Lumpur

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