The NEPTUNE Network: Final Report

M. Blanke, Jens Frederik Dalsgaard Nielsen, T. Degre, G. Boruso, J. Froese, C.C. Glansdorp, J.L.J. Marchal, A. Papanikolau, D. Pope, H.N. Psaraftis, V. Speidel, J. Schwarz, G. Zade

Research output: Book/ReportBookCommunication


The main aim for NEPTUNE is the establishing of an "open" European network of universities and research institutes engaged in research, training and education for waterborne (maritime and inland navigation) transport. This network should constitute an European knowledge base to support the improvement of waterborne transport with a view to education/training and support especially to SME's (small and medium sized enterprises). Waterborne transport requires considerable support to increase its performance up to the quality of service that exists on other transport sectors, on road, rail or air transport. One of the pillars for this support is knowledge, another pillar is the dissemination and implementation of knowledge (R&D) results. NEPTUNE will help to bridge the gap between Research and Development (R&D) and the use of its results in practice. The association will also support and provide added value to the Commission's activities on R&D and on the implementation of results. NEPTUNE will be a platform for the cooperation of large and small research institutes and universities as well as for an organized knowledge transfer between research and users or industry. Many institutes, universities and polytechnics are performing (R&D) in similar or same areas. NEPTUNE will support the avoidance of multiple work on same tasks or problems. The activities of NEPTUNE for Research and Development (R&D) are in the areas of Human Resources. Economics and Logistics and New Technologies. The definition of the scope of the activities is in accordance with the results of the European Commission's hearing on the future lines of research in waterborne transport in June 1996. The enhaced efficiency, safety, human aspects and environmental sustainability has been pointed out as the important topics. For the support to the objectives of NEPTUNE the association is developing the NEPTUNE Information Network. A pilot demonstration on the basis of the world wide web technique on Internet has been established. Two NEPTUNE server, on the premises of ISL in Bremen and NTUA in Athens, can be adressed via the URL= and URL= The pilot will be enlarged concerning the number of NEPTUNE servers as well as regarding the scope of information provided by the various servers. The implementation and operating of such an European Waterborne Information Network,the input and continuousupdate of the information require a high amount of effort. In addition, NEPTUNE would like to implement an Information Retrieval System for searching and providing of information stored on various databases, e.g. of librariers, universities or research institutes. Therefore, a "NEPTUNE Search Engine" should be established enabling interested parties to find information on request. For closing the gap between R&D and the use of R&D results in practice NEPTUNE is aiming at the education and training in the sense of improvement of qualification. NEPTUNE is willing to establish "virtual regional centres" for cooperation between R&D and industry and administration. Thus the organisation of NEPTUNE will support the cooperation * between the members of NEPTUNE and between the NEPTUNE regional centres * between NEPTUNE and the Commission's activities on R&D *between NEPTUNE and the implementation of R&D results in the NEPTUNE regional centres. All these activities will be supported by the use of the NEPTUNE Information Network.
Original languageDanish
Publication statusPublished - 1996

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