The potential risk of personal stereo players

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingArticle in proceedingResearchpeer-review


The technological development within personal stereo systems, such as MP3 players, e. g. iPods, has changed music listening habits from home entertainment to everyday and everywhere use. The technology has developed considerably, since the introduction of cassette players and CD walkmen. High-level low-distortion music is produced by minimal devices which can play for long periods. In this paper, the existing literature on effects of personal stereo systems is reviewed, incl. studies of exposure levels, and effects on hearing. Generally, it is found that the levels being used are of concern, which in one study is demonstrated to relate to the specific use in situations with high levels of background noise. Another study demonstrates that the effect of using personal stereo is comparable to that of being exposed to noise in industry. The results are discussed in view of the measurement methods for noise exposure used, and technical issues that may explain the high exposure levels.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of 1st EAA - EUROREGIO 2010 Congress on Sound and Vibration
Number of pages7
Place of PublicationSlovenia
PublisherEuropean Acoustics Association - EAA
Publication date2010
ISBN (Electronic)978-961-269-283-4
Publication statusPublished - 2010
EventEAA EUROREGIO 2010 Congress on Sound and Vibration - Ljubljana, Slovenia
Duration: 15 Sept 201017 Sept 2010


ConferenceEAA EUROREGIO 2010 Congress on Sound and Vibration

Bibliographical note

Invited paper. Session S2 - Voice/Musical Acoustics. Paper no. 144.

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