The System of Law and Order at Sea Under UNCLOS 1982

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review


The core function of UNCLOS is to provide a legal order for the oceans and their peaceful uses. This includes providing a legal frame for upholding law and order at sea, as this is a precondition for peaceful use. Part One of this volume deals with different perspectives of upholding law and order at sea; and Chapter 2 creates a backdrop for the following chapters dealing with these diverse issues. The chapter presents some perspectives on the system of law and order at sea and sets the following chapters in context with themes such as the scope of UNCLOS and its limitations, the adaptability of the convention to new developments, the role of the zonal system created under the convention and the influence of state practice on the system of upholding law and order at sea. By doing so, Chapter 2 also creates a line to the following parts of this volume; and some of the perspectives raised in Chapter 2 will be revisited in the final part (Part Four) of this volume, dealing with UNCLOS as a system of regulation and connected methodologies.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea : A System of Regulation
EditorsKristina Siig, Birgit Feldtmann, Fenella M.W. Billing
Number of pages14
Publication date1 Jan 2023
ISBN (Print)9780367673901, 9780367673932
ISBN (Electronic)9781003131182
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2023
SeriesGlobalization: Law and Policy

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 selection and editorial matter, Kristina Siig, Birgit Feldtmann and Fenella M.W. Billing; individual chapters, the contributors.


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  • PolSEA: Policing at Sea

    Billing, F., Feldtmann, B., Siig, K., Østergaard, K., Fleth-Barten, U., Frier, C., Rasmussen, H. B. & Laursen, F.

    Project: Research

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