Towards 6G in-X subnetworks with sub-millisecond communication cycles and extreme reliability

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The continuous proliferation of applications requiring wireless connectivity will eventually result in latency and reliability requirements beyond what is achievable with current technologies. Such applications can for example include industrial control at the sensor-actuator level, intra-vehicle communication, fast closed loop control in intra-body networks and intra-avionics communication. In this article, we present the design of short range Wireless Isochronous Real Time (WIRT) in-X subnetworks aimed at life-critical applications with communication cycles shorter than 0.1 ms and outage probability below 10-6. Such targets are clearly beyond what is supported by the 5th Generation (5G) radio technology, and position WIRT as a possible 6th Generation (6G) system. WIRT subnetworks are envisioned to be deployed for instance in industrial production modules, robots, or inside vehicles. We identify technology components as well as spectrum bands for WIRT subnetworks and present major design aspects including frame structure and transmission techniques. The performance evaluation considering a dense scenario with up to 2 devices per m2 reveal that a multi-GHz spectrum may be required for ensuring high spatial service availability. The possibility of running WIRT as an ultra-wideband underlay system in the centimeter-wave spectrum region is also discussed. Aspects related to design of techniques for the control plane as well as enhancements to the presented design is the focus of our ongoing research.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9114878
JournalIEEE Access
Pages (from-to)110172-110188
Number of pages17
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jun 2020


  • 6G
  • Industry 4.0
  • beyond 5G
  • in-X subnetworks
  • intra-avionics
  • intra-vehicular communications
  • short-range
  • sub-millisecond cycle


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